How to Set up multiple websites, stores, and store views in the Admin Magento2
- February 27, 2023
For creating multiple stores in Magento 2 you have to follow few steps:-
Multiple Stores In Magento 2 : – If you want different categories for new website you have to create new root category and if you want same categories for new website then you can assign same root category to new website.
1.) How to create New root category.
i)Login to Magento 2 admin and Click Catalog > Categories.
ii) Click Add Root Category , fill required fields such as unique name to identify this category and enable category .
iii) Click on save
2.) Step 2: Create new websites
i) Login to admin and click on Stores > Settings > All Stores.
ii) On the Stores page, click Create Website.
Name—Enter a name to identify the website.
Code—Enter a unique code; for example, if you have a London store, you can enter london
Sort Order—Enter an optional numerical sort order.
Please check below screenshot
3.)Create new stores for new website.
You can create multiple stores for one website and multiple store views for each store.
i) Navigate to Stores > Settings > All on Create Store button and fill following details
Web Site—Click the name of the website with which to associate this store.
Name—Enter a name to identify the store.
Code—Enter a unique code to identify the store.
Root Category—Click the name of the root category for this store.
ii) Click save button.
4.) Create new store views for new store.
i) Navigate to Stores > Settings > All on create new store view
Store—Click the name of the store with which to associate this store view.
Name—Enter a name to identify this store view.
Code—Enter a unique name to identify this store view.
Status—Select Enabled.
ii) Click on save button
Please chek below screenshot
5.)Change the website base URL
i) to access website using new domain url please change the base url . navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > General > Web
ii) From the Store View list at the top of the page, click the name of one of your websites as the following figure shows.
iii) Change secure base url and unsecure base url and save.
Please read out next blog how to setup multidomain multiwebsite on Nginx and Apache.
we are expert in developing Multiple Stores In Magento 2 on multi-domain so feel free to contact us for multi-website setup .
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